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Storewise’s Impact on El Mercado Fresco More than $100K for the 6 Store Group

El Mercado Fresco Case Study

Store size:
5 - 15


Explore how El Mercado Fresco, a leading Hispanic grocery chain in Kansas City, leveraged Storewise's TPR Automation Product to enhance their promotional strategies. By optimizing Temporary Price Reductions (TPRs), they boosted sales, attracted more customers, and achieved a significant financial impact across their six stores.

Download this case Study to Learn:

• Discover how strategic TPR management can significantly increase gross margins.
• Learn how to maintain high-quality service while optimizing promotional efforts.
• See real-world financial results: $126K+ additional gross margin dollars in 12 months.

Fill out the form below to read more about how Storewise is helping El Mercado Fresco.