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Fighting For Independent Grocers on Capitol Hill

Storewise Team
June 15, 2022
2 min read

The DC Fly-In for Fair Competition

Storewise President and CEO Christopher Greco recently joined a contingent of Independent Grocers with the National Grocers Association (NGA)  at the Fly-In for Fair Competition in DC, calling on lawmakers to enforce the Robinson-Patman Act and end economic discrimination in the food sector. Through the group’s antitrust activism they met with more than 30 Senate and House representatives.

“We ask that Congress call on the Federal Trade Commission to enforce the law. It’s imperative that we raise our voices on behalf of the Independent grocers we serve. Storewise is committed to facilitating the success of Independent Grocers across the country, and their cause is our cause.” said Christopher Greco, CEO of Storewise. 

Standout moments include meeting with Congressman Jim Jordan and Senators Mitch McConnell, Josh Hawley, Jim Moran and Roger Marshall who took time (in between voting) to hear the concerns of the delegation. “It was encouraging to see many of these congressional leaders attend our meetings personally, see them engage and ask questions.” shared Greco. 

Storewise CEO, Chris Greco (second from right), met with lawmakers to enforce the Robinson-Patman Act.

What is the Robinson-Patman Act?

The Robinson–Patman Act, established in of 1936, is also known as the Anti-Price Discrimination Act. This U.S. federal law prohibits price discrimination and anticompetitive practices by producers, and prevents producers from giving large chains and “prefered customers” a reduced price compared to smaller shops. It ensures access to goods at equitable prices and prohibits coercion and restrictions around who a producer may sell to.

Larger chains should not be given preferential price and product access at the expense of Independent retailers. There are laws against this because it kills the competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, antitrust laws are not equally or adequately enforced, much to the detriment of the Independent community grocers. 

What YOU can do

Access to an Independent grocery store is important to you and your community. Personalize and email this letter to your local representatives. It’s that straightforward. The FTC and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) have jurisdiction to enforce the Robinson-Patman Act.

Be a patron of your local independent grocer. 

Storewise CEO, Chris Greco, collaborated with fellow attendee during the NGA Fly-In for Fair Competition

Why Storewise?

Storewise provides straightforward data analytics and automation software that enables independent grocers to compete more effectively with their larger competitors by protecting profits. Learn more at