Manage your DSD vendors anywhere, anytime, from any device
Gain a store-next-door view of your competition
Take control of your TPRs and increase profits
Seamlessly manage base retail prices for warehouse items
Minimize cost savings before available discounts end
Gain insights about overall
sales performance
Get visibility into pricing and operational opportunities
Protect profits by monitoring exception transactions
Receive vendor invoices against the StoreKeeper database
Managing prices just got easier. Our software collects and analyzes warehouse prices, deals, store prices and product sales to provide you with notifications of price, cost and margin changes. We do the detailed analysis so you have the information you need to adjust store prices for maximum profitability. You'll receive weekly pricing alerts — delivered straight to your inbox.
Operating quietly under the hood, our software analyzes every transaction made in the store to identify suspicious and potentially fraudulent activity. You’ll be able to determine, at a glance, where to direct efforts and resources to improve store operations, correct unwanted behaviors, and reduce loss and theft.