August 22, 2022
4 min read

Storewise Customer Success Stories - Win Back Time & TPR Tags

Storewise Team
Storewise Customer Success Stories - Win Back Time & TPR Tags

Most Grocers will tell you there aren’t enough hours in the day. Tackling inflation, saving labor costs, enabling greater efficiencies, and identifying and preventing loss - We know what it takes, and we’re proud to be part of the success stories for more than 500 Independent grocers. Storewise exists to help independent retailers rise against “big box” competitors by creating a software Platform that automates manual tasks and reduces errors, protecting profits.  Here are success stories from recent customers who’ve INCREASED PROFITS AND WON BACK TIME. 

Story #1: 500+ Additional Temporary Price Reduction Tags Per Week

Temporary Price Reduction or TPRs are a huge part of the grocery and retail industry. They can impact product movement and staff labor hours positively or negatively depending on how they’re managed.  Storewise TPR Automation allows retailers to take control of their TPRs and increase profits with customizable TPR automation, weekly financial reporting, upcoming batch previews and historical item performance.

Over the course of four weeks, a multi-store retailer was averaging a little over 3,000 TPR tags per week across his stores.

With Storewise, the retailer was able to hang more than 500 additional TPR tags per week across his stores, achieving 3,500 live TPRs. These 500 tags were included in the stores' batches with minimal manual labor or passthrough adjustments required from store personnel. 

What would 500 extra weekly TPR tags do for your business? 

Story #2: Storewise Saved 10 Labor Hours Per Week 

An independent grocer was manually reviewing, manipulating, and keying in an average of 500 items into a TPR batch every week. Between labor shortages and the unprecedented number of cost increases in today’s environment, the time required to manage these TPRs on a weekly basis came at the expense of other priorities within the business - any time dedicated to managing TPRs was time spent away from tackling cost changes.

Using Storewise’s TPR Automation, the retailer was able to eliminate the manual intervention required for TPRs saving between 10 hours each week.

Reallocating this time lets them focus on the operational exceptions identified in the Price Analysis module. Specifically, they used the Not In File, Margin Alert, and Zero/Negative Margin reports to increase efficiency of store operations and react more quickly to deficiencies - resulting in tackling inflation better and with fewer resources.

What would you do with 10 additional labor hours each week? 

In light of the current labor shortage, TIME is one of the best things we can give to our customers. 

Storewise Customer Success  = Winning Back Time

These stories came directly to our customer success team at Storewise. To speak with us about saving time in your store, reach out to to schedule a 15 min virtual tour of the affordable and customizable Storewise Platform today. 

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